- About Us
Kisiwa Technical Training Institute, located in Kabuchai, Bungoma, offers an extensive range of technical and vocational academic programs. Dedicated to providing high-quality education that cultivates highly skilled, knowledgeable, and responsible graduates in the fields of Engineering, Science & Technology.
- Word From Our Principal

Thank you for visiting Kisiwa Technical Training Institute website.
Kisiwa TTI is an established and one of the fastest growing TVET colleges in Kenya. It is located in Kabuchai subcounty of Bungoma County. The institute sits about 15 kms from Bungoma CBD.
Our mandate is basically to train the TVETA approved curricular, examine students, ensure the wellbeing of all KISTTI students, collaborate with industry for the purpose of dual training and attachment, conduct research and support students co-curricular activities. .
We offer a wide range of programmes ranging from Engineering and Technical, Science, Medical and Liberal Studies. We have a growing enrolment of 9,000 trainees which is projected to touch on 20,000 by the end of the 2026 calendar year. We thank God for the government policy on funding higher education through HELB and capitation.
Our academic and non academic staff are very professional and committed to the quality service delivery. Our services are guided by our commitments in the Service Delivery Charter. We have a well discipline students’ community led by a well-trained, highly motivated and supportive students’ governing council.
Infrastructural development has also been growing consequentially. Our five-year Strategic Plan envisages an expansion plan to meet the demand postured by the increasing enrolment. We have given a lot of focus to acquiring more modern tools and equipment to help us position ourselves squarely as an innovation hub.
- Our Departments
Call us, for any inqueries or visit our institution any time .